
Conversations Around Good - Jeff Moody Big Brother & Big Sisters

All of our guests are passionate about their Good, but Jeff Moody of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Norman takes the cake! He LOVES his job, says it’s his dream role. From dressing up like Elf to Miley Cyrus there isn't much he wont do to help the cause. Hear tidbits like how you don’t have to be perfect to make a BIG difference in the life of a child (See what we did there?); how little moments make Big magic; and that it just comes down to being present consistently. Trust us, you will want to sign up as a volunteer after hearing Jeff's call to action. Enjoy!

All of our guests are passionate about their Good, but Jeff Moody of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Norman takes the cake! He LOVES his job, says it's his dream role. From dressing up like Elf to Miley Cyrus there isn't much he wont do to help the cause.

Conversations Around Good - Bri Ramos of Buzz Brand

We are HUGE fans of female founders. Especially ones who are so community minded. The Buzz Brand ‘s founder, Bri Ramos, has always had a heart for young people. Beginning her career in education then moving to design, she never lost site of her greater purpose. Enjoy this fun episode which includes a few old school Vegas stories.

In this episode we hear from a female entrepreneur with two full time roles. Bri Ramos is the Founder and Creative Director of Buzz Brand AND Senior Creative Director and Community Engagement of Oklahoma City Community College . She LOVES helping people discover who they are.

Conversations Around Good - Dr. Nathan Brown of Custom Dental

Becoming a dentist wasn't what Dr. Nathan Brown of Custom Dental thought he would be doing with his life, but after one day of following his father around his practice, he was hooked. What Nathan did know is that he wanted to live his life in the service of others. Listen in to hear how an all state golfer; Young Dentist of the Year award winner; Oklahoma Sports Hall of Fame inductee; chose to build his practice in his home town to make a difference locally.

Becoming a dentist wasn't what Dr. Nathan Brown of Custom Dental thought he would be doing with his life, but after one day of following his father around his practice, he was hooked. What Nathan did know is that he wanted to live his life in the service of others.

Conversations Around Good - Cody Merrill of Socialwyze

World Changer, that's how we would describe Cody Merrill. He is realizing his dream to change how the US sees poverty; underemployment; homelessness; food insecurity and more. Socialwyze helps governments and donors pay underemployed people to perform public benefit work to help them maintain housing and transition back into employment. Listen to hear how the idea of Socialwyze (backed by Mark Cuban, Quattro Ventures) came to Cody, how it works, and dreams for the future.

World Changer, that's how we would describe Cody Merrill. He is realizing his dream to change how the US sees poverty; underemployment; homelessness; food insecurity and more. Socialwyze helps governments and donors pay underemployed people to perform public benefit work to help them maintain housing and transition back into employment.

Snippet of Good #2 with Cody Merrill of Socialwyze

In this Snippet of Good we hear about Socialwyze's "Startup House". How living together has been exceptionally beneficial to their growth. Hear how this group of highly motivated entrepreneurs often find themselves excitedly cheering at 1am about how Socialwyze is changing the way people see homelessness; food insecurity; recidivism; and underemployment. Catch the full Conversations Around Good episode on Friday.

In this Snippet of Good we hear about Socialwyze's "Startup House". How living together has been exceptionally beneficial to their growth. Hear how this group of highly motivated entrepreneurs often find themselves excitedly cheering at 1am about how Socialwyze is changing the way people see homelessness; food insecurity; recidivism; and underemployment.

Conversations Around Good - Cody Lawson - Make Promises Happen

Central OK Camp, AKA Make Promises Happen, has been loving on kids with special needs for decades. Their summer camps provides them opportunities that were previously not feasible. Not only do they get to do the usual: make new friends; go swimming, make crafts. BUT now they also get to: use paddle boats; climb rock walls; zip line; and much more. In this episode we hear from Cody Lawson, camp Director of Marketing and Public Relations. He shares how their camp has staff from around the world; the different camp experiences they offer; and the joy of watching these kids do amazing things. Hear also how Cody has traveled to 5 different continents and has been to Kenya 19 times.

Central OK Camp, AKA Make Promises Happen, has been loving on kids with special needs for decades. Their summer camps provides opportunities that were previously not within the realm of possibility. Not only do they get to do the usual: make new friends; go swimming; and make crafts.

Conversation Around Good - Caryn Sullivan - Pretty Wellness

In this episode we are so honored to have Caryn Sullivan, two time cancer survivor; motivational speaker; author or Happiness Through Hardship; TV guest contributor to The Dr. Oz and Wendy Williams shows; podcast host; Founder of Pretty Wellness; and much more. She shares her cancer journey; love of baseball; podcasting, smoothies; and creative ways to make others smile. There’s oodles of Good here, including the Grateful Game, you do not want to miss! Two options to watch/listen to below.


In this episode we are so honored to have Caryn Sullivan, two time cancer survivor; motivational speaker; author or Happiness Through Hardship; TV guest contributor to The Dr. Oz and Wendy Williams shows; podcast host; Founder of Pretty Wellness; and much more.

Snippet of Good with Caryn Sullivan

Hear the creative ways Caryn Sullivan, (two time cancer survivor, author, regular wellness contributor on several TV shows including Dr. Oz and The Wendy Williams Show, motivational speaker, and founder of Pretty Wellness) chooses to give back to her community, including inventing the Grateful Game. Don’t miss her entire Conversations Around Good webinar and podcast releasing soon.

Conversations Around Good - Selwyn Cambridge

In this episode we get a glimpse of the entrepreneur life in the Caribbean. Our guest Selwyn Cambridge, founder of TEN Habitat, shares his vision for his community and how they strive to best support the needs of Caribbean entrepreneurs. TEN Habitat also believes that every Caribbean youth deserves the right and the means to realize their full potential, and work hard to make that happen.

In this episode we get a glimpse of the entrepreneur life in the Caribbean. Our guest Selwyn Cambridge, founder of TEN Habitat, shares his vision for his community and how they strive to best support the needs of Caribbean entrepreneurs.

Conversations Around Good - Danny Cavett & Neil Tate of Cavett Kids

Forewarning, you will need tissues for this episode with Neil Tate & Danny Cavett of the Cavett Kids Foundation. This is a community where illness does not define the child. They offer camps and year-round programs completely FREE of charge, for kids with chronic and life-threatening illnesses. Their programs allow the kids to have fun while also connecting to others with similar medical conditions. It includes kids with a wide range of serious illnesses, including heart disease, cancer, cystic fibrosis, Crohn’s disease, kidney failure, and much more. Great stories of young people who despite great hardships, still find ways to care for others.

Forewarning, you will need tissues for this episode with Neil Tate & Danny Cavett of the Cavett Kids Foundation. This is a community where illness does not define the child. They offer camps and year-round programs completely FREE of charge, for kids with chronic and life-threatening illnesses.

How we help businesses share their Stories of Good

Conversations Around Good - Tonya Ratcliff of Northcare

Can you imagine having 13 kids and being willing to have more? Today's guest, Tonya Ratcliff, is a foster parenting hero and the communications and marketing principle at Northcare OKC. She shares parenting stories including, the time the laundry was set on fire, and inspiring tales of family preservation & addiction recovery.

Can you imagine having 13 kids and being willing to have more? Today's guest, Tonya Ratcliff, is a foster parenting hero and the communications and marketing principle at Northcare OKC. She shares parenting stories including, the time the laundry was set on fire, and inspiring tales of family preservation & addiction recovery.

How we make giving easy

Conversation Around Good with Tyler Green

This week’s guest spent a decade working with different Community Minded organizations to discover how he and his family business, Hobby Lobby, can best serve. Tyler, their Community Catalyst and director of the Flourish OKC Foundation, shares how the Flourish Foundation began; how they choose a “giving theme” for each year; and the organizations they invest in. Hear how traveling outside the US shaped his philanthropy perspective, and how Hobby Lobby began with only a frame maker and $500. Branch 15 Ignite 405 Rise Program Inc. Prison Fellowship Hope House Shiloh Camp Hope is Alive Our Neighborhood Empowered Hope for Generations Remerge OKC

This week's guest spent a decade working with different Community Minded organizations to discover how he and his family business, Hobby Lobby, can best serve. Tyler, their Community Catalyst and director of the Flourish OKC Foundation, shares how the Flourish Foundation began; how they choose a "giving theme" for each year; and the organizations they invest in.

How Made Possible By helps businesses

Conversations Around Good - Thomas Hill and Amy Mason

This is a deep dive. Together with our guests Thomas Hill & Amy Mason we discuss leadership; blogging; achieving goals; farming; addiction; engineering; family; and of course bison. Thomas CEO of Kimray Inc. and author of Recovering Leadership, authentically shares his road from CEO to addiction; and how he came to redefine success. Amy, Executive Director of The Kimmell Foundation shares how she grew up on a farm, and picking untold thousands of peaches paid for her college education. Great stories of how this family business began with an inventor and grew into a community minded, others centered corporation. That’s the Kimray way.

This is a deep dive. Together with our guests Thomas Hill & Amy Mason we discuss leadership; blogging; achieving goals; farming; addiction; engineering; family; and of course bison. Thomas CEO of Kimray Inc. and author of Recovering Leadership, authentically shares his road from CEO to addiction; and how he came to redefine success.

How Made Possible By helps community minded businesses save time and money.

Conversations Around Good - Benton Service Center

Family businesses can be tricky. Not for the owners, Don and Lance Benton, of Benton Service Center. In this episode, hear how the Benton family has worked together successfully for almost 30 years. How they invest in their community; love to watch their customer's kids grow; and have a blast together in the process.

Family businesses can be tricky. Not for the owners, Don and Lance Benton, of Benton Service Center. In this episode, hear how the Benton family has worked together successfully for almost 30 years. How they invest in their community; love to watch their customer's kids grow; and have a blast together in the process.

Good Table Talk - Benton Service Center

Family businesses can be tricky. Not for the owners, Don and Lance Benton, of Benton Service Center. In this episode, hear how the Benton family has worked together successfully for almost 30 years. How they invest in their community; love to watch their customer's kids grow; and have a blast together in the process.

Conversations Around Good - Brent Allen Riversports OKC

Have you ever met an ocean protector? Now you have. Brent Allen of Riversports OKC has been working for decades to clear our beaches and rivers of toxic pollutants. Hear how a native Oklahoman has founded several organizations, Protect Monterey Bay & River Protectors, that have cleared thousands of pieces of waste across several states. Learn how you can join him and help turn the tide. See what we did there? :)

Have you ever met an ocean protector? Now you have. Brent Allen of Riversports OKC has been working for decades to clear our beaches and rivers of toxic pollutants. Hear how a native Oklahoman has founded several organizations, Protect Monterey Bay & River Protectors, that have cleared thousands of pieces of waste across several states.

Conversations Around Good Other Options with Mary Arbuckle & Jim Everette


This week’s Conversation Around Good podcast you will hear how one man’s life was forever changed when he contracted HIV and syphilis while providing CPR. How one woman’s vision to help those living with AIDs has impacted thousands of lives all over the country. Join Mary Arbuckle, Executive Director of Other Options and Jim Everette, their Pantry Manager for true stories of Good. 

Conversation Around Good Chelsea Banks & Ginger Casper from Workflow


Thank you for joining us for another Conversation Around Good. We hope these conversations inspire you to being a part of the good happening around the world. In this episode Tracy Zserdin sits down with the ladies behind Workflow Chelsea and Ginger. Learn more about the ladies at this link:

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Conversations Around Good - Trilogy Purchasing Alliance with Maggie Clark

Our host Tracy Zserdin sits down with entrepreneur Maggie Clark of Trilogy Purchasing Alliance. Hear how she helps lead the local Rotary Club and how they gave 275 gallons of hand sanitizer from Prairie Wolf Distillery to first responders.

Our host Tracy Zserdin sits down with entrepreneur Maggie Clark of Trilogy Purchasing Alliance. Hear how she helps lead the local Rotary Club and how they gave 275 gallons of hand sanitizer from Prairie Wolf Distillery to first responders.