giving back

Conversations Around Good - Terrance Craft of Young Professionals OKC

In this episode Terrance Craft, Executive Director of OKC Young Professionals, will make you feel so good about you. He shares how celebrating the little things in life helps him succeed and can help you as well. He is a small business owner, horror movie addict, and huge supporter of young professionals. He also shares how OKCYP has meant everything to him and how they choose to invest in its communities through volunteering with organizations like Food Bank, OK Children Rehab, OU Children Hospital, Big Brothers Big Sisters and the Great OKC Bake Off.

Snippet of Good Terrance Craft of OKC Young Professionals

In this Snippet of Good we hear from Terrance Craft, Executive Director of OKC Young Professionals. He shares how OKCYP invests in its communities through volunteering with organizations such as the OKC Food Bank; OK Children Rehab; OU Children Hospital; Big Brothers Big Sisters and the Great OKC Bake Off. Don’t miss his full episode that drops on Friday.

Conversations Around Good - Abigail Cabello of Focus Federal Credit Union

Part of our vision at Made Possible By is to equip, align and inspire companies, causes and people to do make a bigger difference together. Focus Federal Credit Union fits right in. Their heart to help their community succeed financially is inspiring. Their programs, their mission, their community involvement are all centered around serving their community. As Abigail Cabello, their Community Development Officer, shares “Can’t isn’t a word.”. If you are in need of a second chance bank account or simply want to work with an organization that cares about others, Focus is at the top of the list. Thank you to Focus for supporting the YMCA, YWCA, Litter Blitz, Feed the Children and more. We see you working!

Snippet of Good with Abigail Cabello of Federal Focus Credit Union

In this Snippet of Good we hear from Abigail Cabello, Community Development Officer of Focus Federal Credit Union. She shares what community means to Focus and about their CDFI accommodation programs including: Fresh Start Program; second chance checking accounts; financial literacy classes and more. Stay tuned to catch the entire Conversations Around Good episode that drops on Friday.

Conversations Around Good - Rachel Mathew of Polston Tax

In this episode we hear from attorney; accountant; public speaker; author and more, Shiny Rachel Mathew of Polston Tax. She shares how Polston fervently fights for the “little guy”, and how giving is part of the Polston culture. All employees receive a quarterly paid day off to volunteer with an organization of their choice. They have also volunteered together with the Regional Food Bank, painting an elementary school, to helping a cancer patients family move. So much goodness here. Enjoy!

Conversations Around Good - Sebastian Sanders of Sanders Hands

“Youth Principle” Sebastian Sanders began the community minded, non profit Sander’s Hand in his teens as a way to help young people better prepare themselves for life and success. His book The Art of Giving came to him at the age of 13 when his dad taught him the joys of giving to others. Now at the ripe old age of 24, he compares community to a good gumbo. It is so much better when there are a lot of different ingredients in the mix. Sebastian also defines success by how many lives he has impacted. From teaching an ESL class in college, to being a community leader and youth advocate, Sebastian has a TON of Stories of Good and you know how that makes us feel. Enjoy!

"Youth Principle" Sebastian Sanders began the community minded, non profit Sander's Hand in his teens as a way to help young people better prepare themselves for life and success. His book The Art of Giving came to him at the age of 13 when his dad taught him the joys of giving to others.

Snippet of Good with Bri Ramos of Buzz Brand

In this short Snippet of Good we hear from a female entrepreneur with two full time roles. Bri Ramos is the Founder and Creative Director of Buzz Brand AND Senior Creative Director and Community Engagement of Oklahoma City Community College . She chooses to invest in her community through financial investments, volunteer hours, and speaking engagements. Proving she is creative with her giving as well as her careers. Catch the full episode of Conversations Around Good on Friday.

In this short Snippet of Good we hear from a female entrepreneur with two full time roles. Bri Ramos is the Founder and Creative Director of Buzz Brand AND Senior Creative Director and Community Engagement of Oklahoma City Community College . She chooses to invest in her community through financial investments, volunteer hours, and speaking engagements.

Snippet of Good with Dr. Nathan Brown of Custom Dental

In this short snippet we hear why Dr. Nathan Brown of Custom Dental chooses to give back to his community. “We strive to be a pillar in the community because when you have been blessed a lot you can give a lot.” Full episode drops on Friday.

In this short snippet we hear why Dr. Brown chooses to give back to his community. Full episode drops on Friday.

Conversations Around Good - Selwyn Cambridge

In this episode we get a glimpse of the entrepreneur life in the Caribbean. Our guest Selwyn Cambridge, founder of TEN Habitat, shares his vision for his community and how they strive to best support the needs of Caribbean entrepreneurs. TEN Habitat also believes that every Caribbean youth deserves the right and the means to realize their full potential, and work hard to make that happen.

In this episode we get a glimpse of the entrepreneur life in the Caribbean. Our guest Selwyn Cambridge, founder of TEN Habitat, shares his vision for his community and how they strive to best support the needs of Caribbean entrepreneurs.

Snippet of Good - Tyler Green - Flourish OKC Foundation

Tyler talks about what Restorative Justice means and how Flourish chose it as their focus for investing in 2020. Flourish is a Hobby Lobby initiative.

In this snippet episode we hear how The Flourish OKC Foundation, a Hobby Lobby initiative, chose to focus on investing in Restorative Justice causes in 2020.

Conversations Around Good - Ben Knockles Common Place Books

We can only describe this podcast as really deep truth. Our guest Ben Knockles took us to school today. The school of seeing others. Slowing down, seeing others, caring for the homeless. These are just a few things that Ben Knockles of Common Place Books shares in this episode. How simple it is to solve the homeless problem one person at a time. You do not want to miss this one.

Conversations Around Good - Traci Walton & Brittany Melton

We sit down with the fine ladies of Plenty Mercantile, Traci Walton and Brittney Matlock. Hear how they chose their downtown OKC location, how they are pivoting during Covid and how they choose to give back to their community through organizations like Water4, 405 Center, and Creative Mornings.

We sit down with the fine ladies of Plenty Mercantile, Traci Walton and Brittney Matlock. Hear how they chose their downtown OKC location, how they are pivoting during Covid and how they choose to give back to their community through organizations like Water4, 405 Center, and Creative Mornings.