May is National Foster Care Month, which is a time to acknowledge families and professionals who help children and youth in foster care find permanent homes and connections. Dr. Deb Shropshire, the director of Child Welfare for OK Department of Child Services, shares about the incredible support Oklahoman foster families have not just from DHS but from a plethora of community organizations. She also shares how more homes are needed. This is an inspiring conversation and quite possibly the sign you have been looking for to take the next step.
Snippet of Good with Dr. Deb Shropshire of DHS
May is National Foster Care Month which makes it the perfect time to hear from Dr. Deb Shropshire. She is the director of Child Welfare for OK Department of Child Services. In this Snippet of Good Dr. Deb talks about the desperate need for more therapeutic foster homes. Stay tuned to catch her entire Conversations Around Good podcast that drops on Friday.