
Conversations Around Good - For The Children

With over 250 chapters across the US and globe, For The Children is a nonprofit comprised of a network of local churches dedicated to providing intervention programs and advocacy for child victims of family induced trauma. Their goal is to build a world free of family induced trauma. We spoke with Tiffany Everette, Vice President of Development, on how their program has grown over its 30+ years. She shares stories of sadness and healing. Of hope and joy and their vision for the future. Enjoy!

Conversations Around Good - Sheridan Marquet of Celestial Cycles

No one should leave a bike shop bummed. That's Sheridan Marquet's, owner of Celestial Cycles, mantra. He is the bike guru of the greater OKC area with a huge heart for his community. In this episode you will hear about his new location, how he and his team choose to give back, and just what "Bike Elves" are. Enjoy!!

Conversations Around Good with Marcus Jackson

In this episode of Conversations Around Good we hear from the Director of The Bridge Impact Center, Marcus Jackson. His past experiences, giving a TedX Talk and creating music for rap artist LeCrae, have opened up opportunities for Marcus that he wants to recreate for kids. The center strives to be a bridge to help students find their "thing" through pathways of growth. So much goodness here, enjoy!

Snippet of Good with Marcus Jackson of The Urban Bridge

In this Snippet of Good we hear from the Director of The Bridge Impact Center, Marcus Jackson. He shares about the many services that they offer. The wide aspects of support to help teens succeed. Your mind will be blown! Come back on Friday to catch his entire Conversations Around Good Podcast. Enjoy!

Snippet of Good with Rosalind Bluestone of Goods for Good

In this Snippet of Good we hear from Rosalind Bluestone, founder of Goods for Good UK. She shares how they specialize in distributing goods donated by industry donors to those in need around the world. Thus far they have helped 3 million people, and saved 500 tons of waste from going into landfills. She shares their Genesis moment and how it all began at her dinner table. Enjoy!

Conversations Around Good - Jill Castilla Citizens Bank of Edmond

There are many ways to describe Jill Castilla, President & CEO of Citizens Bank of Edmond. Banker, soldier, C-suite, wife, and mother. We would add; overcomer, fierce fighter, no nonsense, brilliant, and determined. Her efforts during the pandemic helped tens of thousands businesses keep their doors open. Her life struggles, of which there have been many, have given her a heart to help and an empathy to understand their pain. You will discover surprising facts about her including her love for rap music, but you will also be blessed by her vulnerability. Enjoy!

Snippet of Good with Jill Castilla of Citizens Bank of Edmond

In this Snippet of Good we hear from the genius behind Heard on Hurd; experiential banking; creating space for entrepreneurs; and the one who birthed a ton of 'Covid Karma" by partnering with Marc Cuban to help thousands navigate the PPP process. Jill Castilla, President and CEO of Citizens Bank of Edmond shares how leaders can create similar Good their communities. Come back on Friday to catch her entire episode.

Conversations Around Good - Rosalind Bluestone & Naomi Kitchen of Goods for Good

If you want to hear heart warming stories about an organization that is making a huge difference, not just on the human level with food and clothing, but also in eliminating global waste, we have you covered! Goods For Good sends goods donated by generous businesses and individuals in the UK to vulnerable communities living around the world. Balancing between those who have and those who do not. Rosalind Bluestone began at her dining room table, and 7 years later they have shared 33 million dollars of goods and have saved 500 tons of landfill waste. Enjoy!

Snippet of Good with Goods for Good UK

In this Snippet of Good we hear a Story of Good from Naomi Kitchen of Goods For Good UK . She shares a heart breaking story of a homeless Libyan child and the struggles he endured. We are so grateful for the work Goods for Good does, delivering overstocks to provide an essential lifeline of Goods. They specialize in distributing donated goods to those in real need around the world. Come back on Friday to hear their entire Conversations Around Good episode.

Conversations Around Good - Derrick Sier of Paradigm Shift

Oh my, this is a fun episode! Derrick Sier of Paradigm Shift had us both laughing and crying. He shares what being a mentor for decades means to him, and how he got there. Stories of his father; the dog across the street; students around the world, and much more. You can thank us later. Enjoy!

Conversations Around Good - Tony and Denoya Crawford of Spunkie's Soul Food

WARNING, this episode is going to make you hungry, it will also feed your soul. We hear from Tony & Denoya Crawford, owners of Spunkie’s Soul Food. They share how they choose to invest in their communities, including regularly feeding the homeless. To quote Denoya, “Just because they are homeless doesn’t make them less.” You will leave inspired and wanting mac n cheese in a big way. Enjoy!!

Snippet of Good with Spunkie's Soul Food

Food makes people happy and Spunkie’s will make more than your stomach happy, they will feed your soul. In this Snippet of Good we hear from Tony & Denoya Crawford, owners of Spunkie’s Soul Food. They share how they choose to invest in their communities. Catch their entire Conversations Around Good podcast on Friday.

Conversations Around Good - Carol Herrick of the OKC Dodgers Foundation

Removing barriers is not something you usually hear from a baseball organization but it’s just a normal day for the OKC Dodgers. Carol Herrick, Executive Director for the OKC Dodgers Foundation, shares the many ways they choose to invest in their communities. Anything from covering little league team costs; to hosting "Step Up to the Plate" events; to utilizing their staff's skills to add value to non profits. You will be inspired even if you are not a baseball fan. But, you will definitely leave a OKC Dodgers fan. Enjoy!

Snippet of Good with Carol Herrick of the OKC Dodgers

In this Snippet of Good we hear from Carol Herrick, Executive Director for the OKC Dodgers Foundation. She shares how, over the last year, the Dodgers chose to be innovative in their community involvement. Brainstorming new ways to connect, and to give back to their communities. Catch the full episode when it drops on Friday.

Snippet of Good with Ben Knockles of Common Place Books

Please, do yourself a favor, take the 9 minutes and listen to this Snippet of Good with Ben Knockles- Common Place Books. He shares what it looks like for Common Place to give back to their communities. How it’s about caring for people and shepherding moments. How no one leaves empty handed, but that has very little to do with buying books. Enjoy!

Please, do yourself a favor, take the 9 minutes and listen to a portion of a previous episode. You can thank us later. Ben Knockles- Common Place Books. 2020 © Anchor FM Inc. All rights reserved.

Full Episode Below

Slowing down, seeing others, caring for the homeless. These are just a few things that Ben Knockles of Common Place Books shares in this episode. How simple it is to solve the homeless problem one person at a time. You do not want to miss this one.