Community Stories

Conversations Around Good with Marcus Jackson

In this episode of Conversations Around Good we hear from the Director of The Bridge Impact Center, Marcus Jackson. His past experiences, giving a TedX Talk and creating music for rap artist LeCrae, have opened up opportunities for Marcus that he wants to recreate for kids. The center strives to be a bridge to help students find their "thing" through pathways of growth. So much goodness here, enjoy!

Snippet of Good with Carol Herrick of the OKC Dodgers

In this Snippet of Good we hear from Carol Herrick, Executive Director for the OKC Dodgers Foundation. She shares how, over the last year, the Dodgers chose to be innovative in their community involvement. Brainstorming new ways to connect, and to give back to their communities. Catch the full episode when it drops on Friday.

Conversations Around Good - Abigail Cabello of Focus Federal Credit Union

Part of our vision at Made Possible By is to equip, align and inspire companies, causes and people to do make a bigger difference together. Focus Federal Credit Union fits right in. Their heart to help their community succeed financially is inspiring. Their programs, their mission, their community involvement are all centered around serving their community. As Abigail Cabello, their Community Development Officer, shares “Can’t isn’t a word.”. If you are in need of a second chance bank account or simply want to work with an organization that cares about others, Focus is at the top of the list. Thank you to Focus for supporting the YMCA, YWCA, Litter Blitz, Feed the Children and more. We see you working!

Snippet of Good with Rachel Mathew of Polston Tax

In this Snippet of Good we hear from Rachel (Shiny) Mathew Co Owner of Polston Tax. She shares how her firm chooses to invest in their community. To Rachel, who wanted to be a nun as a teen, it doesn't matter how many zeros come after that number in your bank account. It's empty unless you live your life in the service of others. Her full episode of Conversations Around Good drops on Friday.

Snippet of Good - Jeff Moody Big Brothers Big Sisters

In this Snippet of Good hear how small moments make a BIG difference. Learn from the Norman Area Director, Jeff Moody of Big Brothers Big Sisters , says community volunteers are transforming the lives of children by just being available and consistent. Catch the full Conversation Around Good episode on Friday.

In this Snippet of Good hear how small moments make a BIG difference. Thanks to Jeff Moody and Big Brothers Big Sisters for making a difference in the lives of children by just being available and consistent.

Conversations Around Good - Danny Cavett & Neil Tate of Cavett Kids

Forewarning, you will need tissues for this episode with Neil Tate & Danny Cavett of the Cavett Kids Foundation. This is a community where illness does not define the child. They offer camps and year-round programs completely FREE of charge, for kids with chronic and life-threatening illnesses. Their programs allow the kids to have fun while also connecting to others with similar medical conditions. It includes kids with a wide range of serious illnesses, including heart disease, cancer, cystic fibrosis, Crohn’s disease, kidney failure, and much more. Great stories of young people who despite great hardships, still find ways to care for others.

Forewarning, you will need tissues for this episode with Neil Tate & Danny Cavett of the Cavett Kids Foundation. This is a community where illness does not define the child. They offer camps and year-round programs completely FREE of charge, for kids with chronic and life-threatening illnesses.

How we help businesses share their Stories of Good

Good Table Talk - Benton Service Center

Family businesses can be tricky. Not for the owners, Don and Lance Benton, of Benton Service Center. In this episode, hear how the Benton family has worked together successfully for almost 30 years. How they invest in their community; love to watch their customer's kids grow; and have a blast together in the process.

Conversations Around Good - Julie Tucker BE Offices London

In this episode, our guest is Zooming in all the way from Great Britain. Julie Tucker, PR & Corporate Social Responsibility Manager for BE Offices (flexible workspace), is a dancer; co author and book editor. She shares how her mother inspires her to serve others, and how that service turned into a career. Learn how BE Offices makes a huge impact in their communities. Supporting Meningitis Research Foundation; Cancer Research UK; Cross River Partnership (Air Quality Ambassador); The Heart of the City; Aaron Phipps, GB Wheelchair Rugby; Golden Mile Productions; Rays of Sunshine; Save the Children, POD Volunteer, North London Hospice, and much, much more. BE also places a great deal of emphasis on reducing their environmental impact. Their offices boast a zero environmental impact! This is an episode you wont want to miss. BE Offices, David Saul, Simon Rusk, Headspace Group, &Offices, BE.Spoke, &Meetings, Velocity Virtual, David P Perlmutter.

In this episode, our guest is Zooming in all the way from Great Britain. Julie Tucker, PR & Corporate Social Responsibility Manager for BE Offices (flexible workspace), is also a dancer; co author and book editor. She shares how her mother inspires her to serve others, and how that service turned into a career.

Making Community Giving Easy

Conversations Around Good - Courtney Hurst of Fertile Ground Coop

Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. We have all heard the mantra, but do we take it seriously? The products we buy today have so much packaging, and the majority is sent to landfills. Hear how making simple changes can make a WORLD of difference. Also hear how this small business is providing opportunities for everyday workers to become co owners. Courtney Hurst of Fertile Ground Coop has the deets.

Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. We have all heard the mantra, but do we take it seriously? The products we buy today have so much packaging and the majority is sent to landfills. Hear how making simple changes and make a WORLD of difference. Courtney Hurst of Fertile Ground Coop has the deets.

Celestial Cycles: Cycling and Community. What Else Do you Need?

I met Sheridan Marquardt years ago when I began riding a bicycle with Team Young Life OKC. He’s one of the most fun-loving guys I’ve ever met—true of most avid cyclists by the way. I dropped by his shop on a Friday night. I unintentionally crashed an impromptu party, saw some old friends and shook hands with a few new ones. Sheridan started out as a starving artist and learned how to make a living doing what he loves— helping people, owning a bike shop and riding his bike.

Sheridan, how did you start Celestial Cycles?
I didn’t start out thinking I’d own a bike shop. I actually started the company as a custom, bike frame builder in 1999.

Really? Why did you want to build bike frames?
I wanted to be an artist. Bikes and bike frames are art to me.

My dream was to have a retail shop, an art gallery to show off the frames I build. And, I wanted to be that old guy in the back of the shop building frames.

“I’ve always valued time over money.”

Really? What caused you to start the retail side of your business?
I got sick of being the starving artist.

[Laughing] So it was tough to start the frame building business?
It wasn’t tough to start.

It was just super tough to make a living. Man, those were lean times. I actually spent some time sleeping at the shop. Really, I was living out of the shop at times.

Wow. After all that, why did you stick with it?
For the love of cycling and the people and community that come with it. You never really go into this industry to get rich.

That’s good insight. What happened next? How were you able to make the jump from starving artist to small business owner?
Leaving the bike industry was never an option so, in 2002, I started carrying a little of inventory and then started the retail side of the business. That helped me turn the corner and start the process of making a living in the industry I love.


“Cycling and community, man! What else do you need?”

You were able to stay self-employed. What do you like best about being a business owner?
I’ve always valued time over money.

I control my schedule. This allows me to do super cool stuff, the stuff I love. Like, I just spent the afternoon with my daughter at a P.E. Assembly at her school.

You’ve been at this for 20 years. I know you now invest heavily in the community in a variety of ways. Why?
Cycling and community, man! What else do you need?

I’m proud and honored to help people doing cool work. I’m proud to be a part of making the miles of new trails around Oklahoma City possible. Cycling is more than a sport, it’s a lifestyle and a community.

That shows, Sheridan. I look around and there are fifteen people hanging out doing life at your shop’s counter.
All the time, man.

One last question, What advice do you have for other small business owners and aspiring owners?
Make sure you love it. You have to love your idea and dream.

Don’t expect to do more than make a modest living. There has to be more to your motivation than money.

Then, when you do make money, that’s just icing on the cake.

Thanks Sheridan.
You’re welcome. See you soon.

About Made Possible By
Made Possible By is the new way community minded companies manage and share their grant, sponsorship and charitable gift requests. Made Possible By is reinventing the community investment process for companies with an easy to use, online toolset that saves them time and money and helps them earn community and customer trust. Learn more at our website or blog.
